Tang Korean Restaurant – Closed
Korean restaurant specializing in seafood — various soups, lobster stew, haemul pajeon (seafood pancake), stir-fries…
Takeout ok. Open Monday to Sunday, 12noon – 10pm.
파전 $12.99
호박고추전 $4.99
부추전 $4.99
국물없는 매운 해물우동 $9.99
랍스터해물전골과 해물파전 그리고 주류1병 $49.99
갈낙전골과 제육볶음과 주류1병$59.99
Lunch is now served even on weekdays, not just on weekends as was the case last year. Soju, makkoli, Hite beer…
Basic English amiably spoken. Located in Southwest Koreatown near Olympic, two blocks east of Crenshaw. (213) 359-9031