제너럴 뉴트리션 센터 (General Nutrition Centers)는 비타민, 미네랄, 허브류, 스포츠 영양 보충제, 에너지 상품 등 건강 관련 기능 식품을 생산, 판매하는 전문 기업이다.
by KTLAD Admin on May 13, 2024 in
Vitamins, Minerals, Natural Cosmetics, Sports Nutrition, Antioxidant, Herbs
by KTLAD Admin on September 23, 2020 in
Store franchise selling health products like vitamins and supplements
There are over 4,500 registered businesses in the 90020 zip code as of January 2024.
The oldest is the Eleanor Klausner Family Trust, registered in 1954.