Hong Kong Banjum 0410 (6th Street)
Also known as Jung-Won Paik’s Noodle House.
HongKong Banjum is a Korean-Chinese fusion food franchise with several locations in Koreatown. This one is located on 6th Street by Alexandria.
On the menu: jjajangmyun (black-bean noodles), tangsuyuk, chicken wings with spicy sauce, chili shrimp, fried dumplings
쟁반짜짱, 탕수육, 깐풍기
Canned “Paik Lager”
HOURS: 10am-9pm, Monday – Sunday
Paik’s Noodle: Hong Kong Ban Jum 0410
Last graded by County Public Health on 2/28/2023. Certified Food Protection Manager: Kyoungdae Baek
❌ (213) 389-0410