Goopo Chueotang
Also known as the Gu Po Jip Chu Uh Tang or Gu Po Jib or Goopojib restaurant.
House specialty is Chuwotang / Chuotang (mudfish stew).
Also on the menu:
- Abalone Mud-fish Soup 전복추어탕
- Chueo-Bulgogi 추어불고기
Chuwo-bulgogi is a fusion of mudfish (loach) stir-fried Korean BBQ style with a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic, sesame seeds, and other ingredients.
Health rating of A (90) as of 04/01/2013.
11/28/2012 91 A
08/02/2012 95 A
03/22/2012 90 A
Goopo Chueotang was established in L.A. in September 2005.