Elite Taekwondo Center – Wilshire
This location is on Wilshire Boulevard, by Saint Andrews Place. The other Elite Taekwondo Center in the Koreatown area is on Olympic Boulevard, by Hobart Boulevard.
This location is on Wilshire Boulevard, by Saint Andrews Place. The other Elite Taekwondo Center in the Koreatown area is on Olympic Boulevard, by Hobart Boulevard.
This location is on Olympic Boulevard, by Hobart Boulevard. Yelp refers to this area as Harvard Heights, and not Koreatown, because it’s on the south side of Olympic Boulevard. We say it’s Koreatown. There’s another Koreatown-area branch of the Elite Taekwondo Center on Wilshire.
After-school activities for children and youngsters, particularly art and taekwondo classes. Located by 2nd & Western.